
2005年11月28日 星期一

Free 60 Project

XBox 出了好幾天了,不過沒有小朋友更沒時間去玩弄。剛剛在 digg 上面又看到(之前便便土司看到的時候就丟給我看過了):Xbox-Linux: Free 60 Project Begins ,乍看到 Free 之下聯想到之前的 FreeBSD/XBox ,不過點進去之後才發現原來是要 port Linux 到 XBox 360,看起來似乎都是在惡搞啊!文章中提到:
- The flash is encrypted with a per-box key
- The key is stored inside the CPU
- The boot ROM is stored inside the CPU
- Also inside the CPU is a hypervisor that verifies the running state of the kernel, making sure there is no modification (RAM checksums), else the Xbox360 panics and blows up!
- The CPU contains RAM inside of it to store the checksums
- All interrupt/exception handling is done by the hypervisor
- All code runs in kernel mode
- The emulator for first generation games can be updated via an official Microsoft download burned to CD by the user, though the CDs' content will be encrypted and signed with public key cryptography.
The Xbox 360's Hard Disk appears to connect to the Xbox 360 via 7-pin SATA, internally the drive connects to the external connector through standard SATA data and power connectors. This should be of some help.

感覺上就是廠商跟 hacker 之間的惡鬥,不過看起來好像還蠻有機會(應該說根本就會)被 port 出來的。逆向工程++!

官方網頁:Free60 Project

另外也是在 digg 上看到的:The best Xbox360 Review ,寫的還蠻不錯的。 多看幾次搞不好會激起小朋友出走的慾望?或許應該叫維尼長輩出手一下?

