You have installed the eaccelerator package.
Edit %%LOCALBASE%%/etc/php.ini and add:
Then create the cache directory:
mkdir /tmp/eaccelerator
chown www /tmp/eaccelerator
chmod 0700 /tmp/eaccelerator
但是實際上如果去 /usr/local/etc/php.ini 設 zend_extension 事實上他會不理你。所以還是得設到 /usr/local/etc/php/extensions.ini 裡面去:
本來是直接 copy/paste 他的路徑,結果 php -v 下去就又被 ooxx 。所以現在看起來,是真的有跑了:
PHP 5.1.4 (cli) (built: May 9 2006 10:48:26)
Copyright (c) 1997-2006 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.1.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2006 Zend Technologies
with eAccelerator v0.9.5-beta2, Copyright (c) 2004-2006 eAccelerator, by eAccelerator
被 ports 的 hint message 擺道,很無言的阿!
PS. 前幾天 FreeBSD 的 php 好像地震了一下:
AFFECTS: users of PHP
AUTHOR: ale@FreeBSD.org
The old PHP slave ports (phpN-cli, phpN-cgi and mod_phpN) were removed
in favour of unified PHP ports that allow building any combination of
PHP SAPIs (cli, cgi and apache module).
The PHP CGI binary was renamed to php-cgi, so you should update
the path in your script. To simplify the update process, *only* for
this release a 'php' compatibility symlink to php-cgi will be created
if you don't select the CLI SAPI.
Before the upgrade you *should* run 'make config' in lang/php4 or
lang/php5 to configure the SAPIs you want to install.
As a consequence the default binary packages include the CLI and the
所以順手把他重新 make 了一次,進 php 打 make config 勾一勾然後 portupgrade -f 'php*' 下去就搞定了 :p